
Monday, 30 April 2012

baca bila leka dunia: peringatan utk wanita

kadang2 bila asyik dgn dunia aku jd leka, lupa diri yg dunia hanya tempat singgah. maka tika itu memo mcm bwh ni sangat sangat penting utk aku sedar diri

*Rasulullah menjawab, "Wahai putriku, adapun mereka yang tergantung rambutnya hingga otaknya mendidih adalah wanita yang tidak menutup rambutnya sehingga terlihat oleh laki-laki yang bukan muhrimnya

*Perempuan yang digantung susunya adalah istri yang 'mengotori' tempat tidurnya. 

*Perempuan yang tergantung kedua kakinya ialah perempuan yang tidak taat kepada suaminya, ia keluar rumah tanpa izin suaminya, dan perempuan yang tidak mau mandi suci dari haid dan nifas

*Perempuan yang memakan badannya sendiri ialah karena ia berhias untuk lelaki yang bukan muhrimnya dan suka mengumpat orang lain.

*Perempuan yang memotong badannya sendiri dengan gunting api neraka karena ia memperkenalkan dirinya kepada orang yang kepada orang lain bersolek dan berhias supaya kecantikannya dilihat laki-laki yang bukan muhrimnya. 

*Perempuan yang diikat kedua kaki dan tangannya ke atas ubun-ubunnya diulurkan ular dan kalajengking padanya karena ia boleh shalat tapi tidak mengamalkannya dan tidak mau mandi junub. 

*Perempuan yang kepalanya seperti babi dan badannya seperti himar ialah tukang umpat dan pendusta. Perempuan yang menyerupai anjing ialah perempuan yang suka memfitnah dan membenci suami."

Mendengar itu, Sayidina Ali dan Fatimah Az-Zahra pun turut menangis. 
Dan inilah peringatan kepada kaum perempuan. 

sumber: an FB status

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Ikan Asam Pedas merah style

sangat suka asam pedas. agak gila bunyinya tapi masa di UIA, selalu ambil kuah masak tempoyak + asam pedas, memang masyuk. tapi kemarin baru pertama kali buat asam pedas (msk tempoyaknya belum juge). senang je sebenarnye ek. tapi yang ni versi merah menyala, yang lagi sesuai dibuat pekat & pedas. yang mak selalu buat tu yg light sikit warna & texture kuah dia, lebih sesuai buat byk kuah utk dihirup slurpp nikmat. baikla, akan cuba buat yang tu nanti2. yang kat bawah ni hasil tangan kemarin tu.

ehh sembunyi lak ikan tuh

* ikan sukahati, kt atas tu 5 ikan kembung (utara kata ikn temenung =)

Kisar sekaligus semua
* 20 cili kering (cili boh/segera xsedap)
* 1 bawang besar
* 3 bawang putih
* 1 inci halia
* 1/2 inci kunyit hidup (serbuk kunyit xsedap)
* sikit belacan (optional, letak lagi sedap)

Kisar sorang dia
* 2 biji tomato (tambah kalau nak lagi pekat, kalau malas blend potong je mcm aku hoho)

* air asam jawa/3 asam keping/asam limau ikut sedap
* garam, gula, perasa
* daun kesum
* 1 bunga kantan

Pilihan sayur
* tomato/bendi/terung/nenas/belimbing buluh/mangga muda/daun limau purut/daun buas (wow ganas la sape mkn)


1. minyak dalam 3 sudu besar, tumis yg kisar banyak2 tu. HARUS sampai pecah minyak
2. masuk air asam jawa, tomato kisar, air secukupnya
3. dah mendidih, letak ikan, bunga kantan
4. ikan dah masak, masuk bendi, daun kesum, tomato
5. adjust rasa masin manis masam tuh pastu angkat lah

senang woo rugi xtry

sumber: kak wana

bonus: lunch set haritu. very d kampung style hewhew

clockwise: ikan temenung grg tepung, asam pedas, gulai ikan, sambal telur, ulams & sambal belacan

Thursday, 26 April 2012

skincare: Cellnique, Caudalie, ZA

still remember your pubescent days? when your body started to develop, your hormones started to change, your emotions began to swirl suma tuh.

i remember that then, everything was about appearance. in our innocence, we started to notice the other gender, try to be cool/mix with popular kids, pay crucial attention to how we look (like, pinned the lipatan kain baju kurung on the upper part so that the lipatan stays kemas - seriously I saw my school mates did this).in other words, we wanted to be accepted, be noticed. but sometimes, the attention was of wrong reason - red (and yellow) oily acne skin.

well not for me. I was blessed with almost non-existent skin problems throughout my secondary school and because of that, i did not care about skincare routine; i didnt even cleanse my face. until...the dark period of my university days.

call it late bloomer ke ape, zits and heads started to sprout especially on my chin/jawline throughout my university years, and then working days. it's like there were permanent roots that continuously produced the fruits (acne fruits; big, spotlight acne---euww). it was so bad, so productive that my chin even till now has uneven surface.

before you label me as a lazy bum, lemme tell ya, i have tried some products as suggested by the promoters and friends (being easily influenced I am). the ones that i remember = mustika ratu (no effect), Simple trial set (OK at first, no effect then), ROC set of the basic 3 (u cheater! dahla quite costly, thus very disappointing), HPA's complete Centella White set (hampeh, left skin oily, mahal, sep bek org blanja).

because of the constant disappointment, i became fed up hence the non stop break outs. the more pressure, the more pimples. most frustratingly, the acne turned up during special occasions i.e weddings, graduation, interviews - perluke kan.

then around Nov last year, went to SASA and again, was suggested with some products. with limited budget (tambah tambah tu jadi RM400+, memang xmampu), i only purchased several items, then headed to Watson's & Jusco to get other affordable items. added up, the range was:

ZA Cleansing Foam
100ml / RM 10 after discount

i just tried my luck using this cleanser, i mean, would you believe in an RM10 item? it turned out that this one was okay ma, it kept my face blemish-free. sadly couldnt find it in store anymore

Caudalie Beauty Elixir
30ml / RM 70

LOVE it! mainly because it has natural fragrance and minty sensation, leaving skin all afresh. the other reason is that i couldnt be bothered using cotton pad, so this one is perfect for me - just spray any time of the day

Cellnique's b.liv Quench Me
45ml/ RM 89

i liked this one too. you know some moisturizer leaves your skin feeling oily. this product absorbs into skin & dries almost immediately. it has fresh (tea tree/green tea) fragrance that i love, but it think it's not natural. downside: not economical - 1 bottle lasts only 2months+/-

Blackhead/Whitehead sebum
Cellnique's b.liv Off With Those Heads
30ml/ RM 149 (free shopping bag & 6 hydration masks)

it works wonders. what heads? not that i know of ;p [confession: i used to worry about the notion of nuzzling my spouse-to-be (whoever he is), like would he be disgusted with my coarse nose etc but not anymore kekeke]. because only a little amount is needed every time, it feels like it'll take forever to finish the bottle - v.good! BUT, have to apply everyday - one day miss = confirmed new b/heads - hmm not v.good then

Banana Boat Ultra Faces 30SPF++
90ml/ RM 32.90

Dries almost immediately on skin, seriously. you can apply make up without having to wait long. but who needs cosmetics when your skin is your best make up, right? (flawless skin satu, ikat tepi ek)

hydration mask
cellnique's b.liv Immerse Me
got them free - 6 masks worth RM 6 each

the best part is the overflow serum that i can reuse it to replace moisturizer for about 4 times. but still the effect after using the mask was not that apparent.

overall result:

HAPPY! no idea which items actually worked, but my skin was acne free for almost 2 months. TWO months with not even pre-menstrual acne, ok.

the downside is, they (except OWTH, sunblock) finished too soon, and that's with me using a little as i can for each. hmm...not good for my economy then. and truthfully my face is still yet to achieve the desired effect - no visible pores, freckles free, even, fully hydrate etc. ohhh jelesnye tengok kulit orang shantek.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

test lagi

sekarang ni trend akan melalui first test dulu ek sebelum interview? hayo keringle poket gue...kena dtg buat test tu, pastu kalau pass baru pi interbiu. 2 kali kerja & sgt sgt merugikan diriku yg kurang income ini. tu kalau pass test, kalau tak, tak ke lagi rugi.

btw, kemarin (atau semalam ikut standard KL) chek pi test kt midah...ala... Malaysian Investment Development Authority...chek panggey midah ja la no, mesra a'lam sket. chek pi utk post pustakawan s41.

tu la nk habaq ni...test tu mashaAllah...punya chek tidoq taklena makan taklalu mandi terlebih basah dok pikiaq apalaaa depa nak tanya. depa ada la suruh telaah website midah & isu semasa. nakhabaq bagi, pasai ekonomi. maka chek yang takdak economic background ni memanglah berasa amat sukar sekali.

malam sebelum pi test punyala xlena tidoq chek. ya la, dengan nakbaca nota tapi byknya nota la yang baca chek. tapi takpa chek tau nota tu redo. mesti nota tu kata dlm hati nota dia 'kesian budak ni, penat dia datang dari penang jauh tu. takpela bia aku jela yg studi pasai dia' (ok whatever)

pagi tu chek pi dgn matlamat..'takpala nati aku bulat jela yg MCQ tu'.sekali tau apa yg kuaq.. ha, ini dia. chek tulis dia punya gist ja sbb chek xhengat ayat penuh depa

ESSAY ok essay
section A = choose 1 topic, write about :
1. something about tak ingat
2. malaysia's potential in one of the services sectors (tourism, education, heatlh)
3. how to influence a company to invest in a manufacturing sector in malaysia (chose this one, xtaula cana)

section B = write all (one in BM)
1. peranan pustakawan yg bertanggungjwab dalam penyelenggaraan koleksi perpustakaan
2. how can Current Awareness  Service act as an enhanced service of a special library

kesimpulannya chek berserah saja nohhh. ada rezki kena panggey chek bersyukur alhamdulillah. takkena panggey kalu chek bengang gak a redo dgn ucapan 'rezki kita ada di mana2, tunggu masa dia saja tuhan nkbagi'

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Potato Salad with Macaroni

just had this for lunch. tasty and super easy measy

3 Potatoes
a handful of macaroni
5 sausages (or chicken popcorn, fish fillet, meatball etc)
veggies of own choice (Holland onion/big onion, carrot, corn, broccoli, mushroom, capsicum, tomato, cabbage etc)

thousand island/mayo
a packet of instant mushroom soup (optional)
1/2 tsp of mix herbs (for italiano taste) or a squeeze of limau kasturi/limau nipis/lime
xtra virgin olive oil (very good for blood circulation if i'm not mistaken, but sadly didnt have it)

1. boil potatoes & macaroni (i boiled them together to save time & gas) with a little bit of salt. skinning the potato after it is cooked is much much simpler & time saving.

2. meanwhile, prepare the instant mushroom soup, make sure it's thick & not too watery

3. cut the sausages & veggies. boil veggies like corn, broccoli, mushroom; saute the onion & capsicum if u must. fry the chicken popcorn/ balls too, if u have

4. make sure the potatoes & macaroni are well cooked (but not overcooked). strain them under cool water. skin & cut the potatoes into small pieces (mash some also can lor)

5. mix everything together. add the dressing/seasoning

>>> i put some in the fridge for dinner, will eat it with salad leaves; korean style hehe. and oh, the recipe is for 3-4 persons

Sunday, 15 April 2012

bull's eye indeed

related to my previous rant here;
Thank God there're somebody out there who understand what i've been thru all my life. Click HERE to check out an awesome 'rendition' of my dilemma

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

earthquake, for real?

this is the immediate post panic reaction to the movement of, i swear, the earth i'm living now. this is very VERY RARE. the most tragic natural disaster that Malaysia has ever faced was...the remaining of the Acheh's tsunami back in 2005/06? where small parts of the northern region were affected, some properties destroyed, lives lost. i mean, even that small amount (if compared to where it happened i.e Acheh) was the national BIGGEST concern. i was in my first or second year at IIUM then and the movement was about less than 30seconds i think? the one just now was about 3-5minutes. and ohmaigad it scared the crap out of me!

my first thoughts/reactions?
1. some wild beast under my bed? (checked the bed, seriously)
2. (looked at the door) WHY IS THE DOOR MOVING TOO?
4. where're my parents right now? r they safe? (they went to kedah, called them but missed)
5. is the baby ok? (went to check aimi)
6. (updated FB status)


Sunday, 8 April 2012

kalau dah tiap kali

adala sorang mak mentua kepada mak sedara aku ni. pakai tudung labuh. peramah. rajin. mak sedara aku yg aku rapat tu pon mmg senang dgn mak mentua dia nih. tapi makcik ni (or tok cik?) setiap kali jumpa aku mesti nk komen psl fizikal aku yg x mcm adik2 aku yg selim melim tuh. SETIAP KALI. kadang2 nada lawak. selalunya nada tulus dgn niat mengkomen. maka hari ini sebab telah fed up aku pon dgn pasifnya berkurang ajar membalas 'ye la dlm keluarga ni sapa lagi yg gemok mcm aku ni kn' (nota: 'mcm aku ni kn' ialah sayup kedengaran ketika retreat utk ambil kuih kt dapur. tapi still AKU ok)

uh oh...adakah itu statement yg hebat, mediocre atau lemah? tula sapa suruh mak aku xajar cara2 berkurang ajar secara berhemah, kn. aku dr dulu xpandai bab2 retaliate/membidas scr efektif ni. kalo bahas je msti aku yg sakit hati xdpt pangkah kata lawan. mgkn sbb tuh aku xamek law time mengaji dulu.

kembali ke studio, aku nakkkkkkkkkk sgt bagi ayat power spy makcik tuh stop harassing my weight. i already EMBRACE my condition tp it gets boring tau tak. n aku xrasa dia nk abstain from doing the same thing nxt time. habit la tu, kecualila tiba2 aku me'ngurus' which is lambat gila lagi la kowt.

anyways. what i want to say is people sometimes really know how to bug others' lives whether intentionally or not. in this case, the key is SETIAP KALI. mcm sorg kwn aku ni setiap kali jmp kwn2  dia yg single akan tanya 'ko bile nak kawen ni/ko bila lagi'. setiap kali main2/puji2 ngn baby dia akan cakap 'ha, boleh/layak dh tu'. samala mcm kwn aku yg sorg lagi, tiap kali famili gathering, anak buah dia (yg muda setahun je & baru pas kawen) akan tanya 'che' su mu bilo nok nikoh niiiiiiii...xsaba nok tggu/bakpo tggu lamo2nyaaaaa' . tak ke membunuh mood kalo camtu. dan kalo dah tiap kali kau dok ulang buat/cakap mende sama, mmg mengundang reaksi kurang ajarla kn