
Monday, 14 May 2012

What I did on My Birthday

it's two days late, but still...


thus becoming older tsk tsk tsk...

ok, what i did on that day, Saturday 12 May 2012:

8.30 - 11.00am - went to kuliyyah of Ust. Mutalib. but honestly, i didnt give 100% attention to the talk as i was busy dealing wth online shopping towards the end (blame that busyuk baby gurl Nyenyet whom the shirts for)

11.30 - 1.30pm - tuition class with the PMR students

2.00 - 8.00pm - at AEON Bandar Perda. the main reason was to get..........

by Marco Qi? Dermaplex? uh oh cant remember

the process took about 2 hours. twas my first time, and a present for myself (how sad is that?).  anyways, i L.O.V.E.D it. it felt so good to have your face disental picit urut tekan (yeah it hurts during the picit2 process, but seeing the result = worth every pain) . the best part was the cooling (minty?) teal-colored mask - so refreshing!

and that's how my birthday went. supposedly my family had dinner outside to celebrate it, but i was too exhausted. so it's postponed to...some unnamed date huhuhu

p/s: came across this body massage center located near to the mini foodcourt - perfect for the delayed mother's day treat, right. and will pop the idea to my cousin to bring her mum there as well, so that the 'biras' can have each others' company hehe. perhaps, it'll be after this coming kenduri kahwin so it can a reward for their hard work too. a small but thoughtful reward for those supermoms, ok la kan

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